As parasites, the greatest concern about the presence of fleas in your home or business comes from their bites. Although these are not painful, they can result in an uncomfortable itch or rash. Your pets could also develop allergies to flea saliva.
Fleas are wingless insects that are extremely agile and outstanding jumpers. In fact, fleas are one of the longest jumpers in relation to their size in the entire animal kingdom. This jumping ability allows them to transfer from one host to another rather easily, including from pets to their humans. This is why flea control is necessary around homes. We provide affordable and bespoke flea fumigation solutions for residential properties and integrated flea management schemes for homes and businesses.
- Kills fleas instantly.
Our office flea fumigation service is proven to get rid of all fleas permanently instantly. The treatment can be used in all office facilities and has an immediate elimination effect when it comes to fleas.
- Thorough fumigation for your office.
- Kills 99.99% of fleas.
- Suitable for domestic and commercial properties.
- Done by experienced and equipped with protective gears technicians.
- Using certified, highly effective, and non-toxic insecticides.
- Fumigate and make your employees feel safer and pest-free.
- The service will start with thorough interior fumigation of your pet house with certified insecticides to ensure all fleas are eliminated.
- The fumigation will take no more than 60 minutes, and once the service is over there is no need for rinsing as the insecticides we use are non-toxic and 100% pet and children safe.
- That ensures that even the most isolated areas in your pet house are fumigated and decontaminated.
- Kills 99.99% of fleas.
- Done by experienced and equipped with protective gears technicians.
- Using certified non-toxic insecticides.
Can you eliminate fleas on your own?
That’s why you need a flea fumigation company with experience and the correct combination of effective pesticides to get rid of the flea problem for good.
However, if you need to use pesticides without seeking the help of a licensed flea fumigation company, you can buy from our online shop.
Start Flea Fumigation Today
Signs of a Flea infestation
- Scratching & Biting (Pets) – If your dog is constantly scratching and/or biting himself, he may have fleas. Don’t just assume it’s season allergies or an itch! Always check to be sure.
- Presence of Flea Dirt on Pets – This is basically flea droppings and it will look like tiny black or red flecks on your dog – usually on their belly or by the base of the tail. Don’t assume it’s dirt, especially if your dog has been scratching and biting.
- Red, Infected Skin – Dogs that are allergic to fleas or if they have been scratching and biting a lot can develop red, infected skin. If you start seeing red, irritated, or even bald skin, check for fleas.
- Flea Larvae – Much harder to see than the actual fleas, the larvae are a dirty white in color and measure 3 to 5.2mm in length.
- Small Bite Marks on Humans – Do you find yourself scratching at what appears to be nothing? Look closer. If you have small red bumps on you it may be flea bites. If you’re getting bitten, chances are you have fleas in your bed.
Types of Fleas
The most common species of fleas are:
- Cat flea – small, flat, and brownish and prefer feline hosts, but can be found on some other hosts, as well. They cannot live entirely on human blood, so will often drop off of human hosts fairly quickly.
- Dog flea – tiny insects, also with flat bodies, and are black in color. They have bristles that allow them to hang on to dog fur even when grooming is occurring.
- Bird flea – also known as a hen flea. These prefer chickens and can infest an entire henhouse very quickly.
Flea Prevention
There are ways to prevent fleas from returning, and our qualified and certified flea control and flea prevention experts can give you advice to stop further infestations. Some things to remember:
- Keep pets groomed and cleaned
- Clean your carpets, rugs, and furniture often
- Try to keep wildlife away that could have fleas
- Stay away from areas known to house fleas
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Variety of Fumigation Services

Bedbug Control
Save 20% TodayWe Fumigate Bed Bugs
We know how to determine if bed bugs are in your home. We offer bed bug control solutions, which are fast, odorless, effective, and non-toxic.
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Roach Fumigation
Stop CockroachesEliminate Roaches
Not sure how to get rid of cockroaches? You’re not alone. Cockroaches are one of the most common household pests in the world. Imagine Care® is your best defense against resistant roaches.
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Ant Control
Get Rid of AntsBye Bye Ants
Not sure how to get rid of ants? You’re not alone. Ants are one of the most common household pests in the world. Imagine Care ® is your best defense against stinging ants.
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Bat Control
Eradicate Bats NowWe Remove Bats
If bats are your pests, then you need them safely excluded, or removed, from the building they are living in. Imagine Care overs BAts Control and Removal as one of our specialty services.
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Bee Fumigation
Get Rid of BeesAvoid Bee Stings
Need Bee Control? You’ve come to the Right Place. We form the best Defense against all bee attacks. Safe & Guaranteed Bee Control Solutions For Your Business or Home
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Flea Fumigation
Fumigate FleasFlea Control
Fleas are tiny, irritating insects. Their bites are itchy and sometimes painful, and getting rid of them is hard. Thus is when Imagine Care’s professional pest control treatment may be required.
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Flies Control
Fumigate HousefliesKill Flies
Flies can be a nuisance pest for homes and businesses. A fly infestation could pose a serious health risk as flies are known to spread a range of diseases. Let Imagine Care take care of the flies problem.
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Mosquito Control
Avoid MalariaGet Rid of Mosquitoes
We know how to determine if mosquitoes are in your home. We offer mosquito control solutions, which are fast, odorless, effective, and non-toxic.
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Spider Control
Remove SpidersWe Fumigate Spiders
Make a stop to the creepy crawling pests with our spider pest control services.
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Rodent Control
Remove RatsEliminate Mice
Rodents, commonly known as rats or mice are among the most widespread & disruptive pests. They can be very persistent to control without professional help.
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Termite Control
Get Rid of TermitesBye Bye Termites
Imagine Care conducts a thorough inspection of the entire home inside and out to determine the extent of the infestation and then proceeds to apply the appropriate control measures.
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Wasp Control
Eradicate WaspsRemove Wasps & Hornets
Bees and wasps are not only invasive insects, but they pose harm when defensive or aggressive. Imagine Care specializes in wasps control and removal services.
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Mold Control
Get Rid of MoldStop Mold & Mildew
Mold Control. Some molds can also produce mycotoxins which can pose a serious health risk to humans.
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Feral Cats Control
Eradicate Feral CatsKill Feral Cats
If you think you might have feral cats and need treatment, call Imagine Care® today and schedule a QUICK feral cat removal service.
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Silverfish Control
Fumigate SilverfishKill Silverfish
We apply silverfish control and removal treatment sprays to the walls and flooring of your home or business space to get rid of silverfish.
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Snake Control
Avoid Snake BitesRepell Snakes
Take the steps to prevent snakes on your property by repelling them from your lawn and garden.
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Nairobi Fly Control
Remove Narrow Bee FlyWe Nairobi Flies
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Mites Control
Remove MitesEliminate Mites
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Snail Control
We Stop Snails & SlugsEliminate Snails
Snails and slugs are among the most widespread & disruptive pests. They can be very persistent to control without professional help.
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Weeds Control
Get Rid of WeedsBye Bye Weeds
Imagine Care conducts a thorough inspection of the entire home inside and out to determine the extent of the infestation and then proceeds to apply the appropriate control measures.
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