Imagine Care Limited


Working Together



Whatever home & office support services you need, talk to us and we will create a package of support tailored to you ….  so that you can focus your energy on your core business.


Run a franchise cleaning and/or event management company under the Imagine Care Brand.


Subcontract us to offer services on your behalf to offices, apartments, Air B n B, schools, churches, homes, or clubs.

Cleaning Contract

Contract us to regularly clean your offices, apartment, Air B n B, school, church, home, or club.

Fumigation Contract

Contract us to regularly fumigate your offices, apartment, Air B n B, school, church, home, or club.

Disinfection Contract

Contract us to regularly disinfect your offices, apartment, Air B n B, school, church, home, or club.

Finance Projects

As an angel investor or venture capitalist, invest in our company’s projects and reap good returns of up to 20% per project immediately after it’s paid up by the client.

66,729+ Clients & Partners

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Related Articles From Our Blog

1807, 2024

Use Bio-Enzymes for Septic Tanks and Bio-Digesters for your Home and Business

The use of biodigester bacteria enzymes restores the biological population of good worker bacteria and enzymes which reduce solids. The beneficial bacteria also get carried over to the soaking area to reduce solids and help prevent clogging. A clogged leach field is the biggest problem for septic systems, the hardest and most costly to repair. Using these bacteria, you will not need an exhauster.

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