Health and Safety Policy
Imagine Care is committed to maintaining a safe work environment that complies with legislation and ensures our staff, clients, and the general public are not exposed to risk, injury, or harm.
Every employee, regardless of position, has an individual and cooperative responsibility to be uncompromising with regard to health and safety.
Risk management is incorporated as an integral part of all business initiatives and operations, ensuring all hazards are identified, assessed, controlled, and modified as necessary to maintain safe working activities.
All Employees are provided with training in Health and Safety policies and procedures at their induction.
Employees must ensure that they are fully aware of these policies and procedures. Failure to comply with any of these policies and procedures will result in a disciplinary investigation and may be deemed to constitute gross misconduct. Individual members of staff:
- Will take reasonable care for the health and safety of himself/herself and of other persons who may be affected by his/her acts or omissions at work;
- Will co-operate with the Company and their colleagues to achieve a safe and healthy environment by following adopted policies, procedures, codes of practice, guidelines, and instructions.
- Will make themselves familiar with the health and safety policies, procedures codes of practice, guidelines, and instructions, and observe these at all times.
- Will report all accidents, incidents, near misses, or hazards found in the workplace by completing the appropriate incident form. If urgent action is required the situation must be reported and the information forwarded to the appropriate department of the Company as soon as possible.
- Will make themselves and qualified personnel may administer First Aid or manage emergency and major incidents.
- Will not interfere with or misuse intentionally or recklessly anything provided in the interests of Health and Safety.