Imagine Care Limited

Biodigester Enzymes

Use Bio-Enzymes for Septic Tanks and Bio-Digesters for your Home and Business

By |2024-07-18T11:28:05+03:00July 18th, 2024|Biodigester Enzymes|

The use of biodigester bacteria enzymes restores the biological population of good worker bacteria and enzymes which reduce solids. The beneficial bacteria also get carried over to the soaking area to reduce solids and help prevent clogging. A clogged leach field is the biggest problem for septic systems, the hardest and most costly to repair. Using these bacteria, you will not need an exhauster.

Where to Buy Biodigester Bacteria Enzymes in Kenya

By |2024-06-05T12:56:43+03:00April 17th, 2024|Biodigester Enzymes|

The use of biodigester bacteria enzymes restores the biological population of good worker bacteria and enzymes which reduce solids. The beneficial bacteria also get carried over to the soaking area to reduce solids and help prevent clogging. A clogged leach field is the biggest problem for septic systems, the hardest and most costly to repair. Using these bacteria, you will not need an exhauster.

Pit Latrine, Compost, Sewage, and Bio Digester Chemicals, Enzymes and Bacteria

By |2024-04-28T04:27:55+03:00April 15th, 2024|Biodigester Enzymes, Chemicals, Pit & Septic|

Looking for the best pit latrine & sewage digester chemicals that actually work? You're in the right place!

Septozyme BFB for Drains, Wastewater, Biodigester, Septic Tank, Pit, Sewage, and Compost

By |2024-04-17T13:08:04+03:00April 15th, 2024|Biodigester Enzymes|

Septozyme BFB is used in reducing BOD, and COD levels as well as reducing the sludge volume odor, and color in the septic tank, biodigesters, wastewater, drains, etc.

Septozyme BFB (Biodigester, Septic Tank, Pit, Sewage, Compost Bacteria & Enzymes)

By |2024-04-17T06:27:58+03:00April 15th, 2024|Biodigester Enzymes|

Septozyme BFB is used in reducing BOD, and COD levels as well as reducing the sludge volume odor, and color in the septic tank, biodigesters, wastewater, drains, etc.

Bamoyeast BFB (Biodigester, Septic Tank, Pit, Sewage, Compost Bacteria & Enzymes)

By |2024-04-12T08:01:55+03:00April 6th, 2024|Biodigester Enzymes|

Bamoyeast BFB is the BEST PIT LATRINE DIGESTER CHEMICAL, biodigester bacteria, biodigester, septic tank bacteria, biodigester enzyme, and septic tank chemical as it is an EFFICIENT biological enzymatic and microorganism-based formulation (containing beneficial bacteria/ multi-enzymes).

Where to Buy Biodigester Bacteria Enzymes in Nairobi

By |2024-04-05T11:25:43+03:00April 6th, 2024|Biodigester Enzymes|

The use of biodigester bacteria enzymes restores the biological population of good worker bacteria and enzymes which reduce solids. The beneficial bacteria also get carried over to the soaking area to reduce solids and help prevent clogging. A clogged leach field is the biggest problem for septic systems, the hardest and most costly to repair. Using these bacteria, you will not need an exhauster.

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