We get rid of bees that are life-threatening to property owners in Kenya. If you have a swarm of bees around your property leave the bees alone and keep other people away until trained bee technicians have been called to handle the issue.
We understand Africanized bees, and our technicians are familiar with the bees’ biology and habits and will use best-in-class control methods to get the job done right. Our specialized bee removal services give you peace of mind that your bee situation will be dealt with properly.
Our office bee fumigation service is proven to get rid of all bees permanently instantly. The treatment can be used in all office facilities and has an immediate elimination effect when it comes to bees.
- Thorough bee fumigation for your office.
- Kills 99.99% of all bees.
- Suitable for domestic and commercial properties.
- Done by experienced and equipped with protective gears technicians.
- Using certified, highly effective, and non-toxic insecticides.
- Fumigate and make your employees feel safer and pest-free.
- The service will start with thorough bee fumigation of your compound with certified insecticides to ensure all bees are eliminated.
- The fumigation will take no more than 60 minutes, and once the service is over there is no need for rinsing as the insecticides we use are non-toxic and 100% pet and children safe.
- That ensures that even the most isolated areas in your compound are fumigated and decontaminated.
- Kills 99.99% of all pests.
- Done by experienced and equipped with protective gears technicians.
- Using certified non-toxic insecticides.
Reasons why we are your best choice for bee control
Trusted Bedbug Insecticides
Should I Worry?
More than 95 percent of wild bees are Africanized honey bees, also known as killer bees. Although the sting of an Africanized honey bee is no more lethal than one from a standard honey bee, these bees got their “killer” nickname because they are known for their aggressive nature; they are easily disturbed and provoked – even by simple noises or vibrations – and they swarm quickly, attack in larger groups and chase their intended target for longer distances, and all of those factors combined can make them deadly.
Being stung by a bee is a painful experience and can be life threatening to the one in thirty people who are allergic to stings.
Types of Bees
- Africanized Honey Bees
- Bumble bees
- Carpenter Bees
- European Honey Bees
- Honey Bees
- Japanese Honey Bees
- Western Honey Bees
What Causes Bees to Attack
There is no “cause” for bee swarms and hives, per se. However, you can determine what type of bee infestation you have by determining a few simple things:

- Swarms: Swarms are generally a group of bees that cluster around an outdoor area, say near a tree branch or building. Swarms form when about half of an established colony breaks off to start a new colony. The bees stay together in a swarm as they search for a new home. However, swarming bees often aren’t aggressive – even Africanized honey bees – because they don’t yet have a home to protect.
- Beehives: Beehives are home to bee colonies, where the queen lays eggs and where bees build honeycomb and produce honey. Bees often build their hives outdoors, such as in a hollow tree trunk, but they frequently build hives in attics and spaces between exterior and interior walls, as well as other wall cavities. If you notice large numbers of bees coming and going from one side of your house, or near the eaves or roof-line, it is best to call a bee specialist who can safely check your house or building for an active beehive. These are very aggressive when disturbed.
Prevention & Treatment
There is no way to prevent a swarm from landing on your tree, and there is no guaranteed way to prevent a hive from moving into your home. Bees love dark, secure spaces, like the hollow of a dead tree or the space of a wall cavity. There are, however, a few tricks to discourage bees – killer or otherwise – from moving into your house.
- Seal the house: Caulk cracks or spaces in walls or along eaves and roof lines.
- Fill empty spaces: Use foam insulation to fill empty spaces in walls or seal off access to them.
- Screen vents: Install fine-mesh screening across attic vents or baffling or vents that lead to other areas of the home.
Imagine Care uses the best, most effective products on the market for bee control services. Depending on the situation, whether the swarm is out in the open or nesting inside a wall or other interior void, we will use the best products for the given situation.
We will send out a licensed pest control technician who is a trained specialist in dealing with Africanized honey bees. Imagine Care is known for the quality of its service technicians and the commitment to doing the job right the first time.
Variety of Our Fumigation Services

Bedbug Control
Save 20% TodayWe Fumigate Bed Bugs
We know how to determine if bed bugs are in your home. We offer bed bug control solutions, which are fast, odorless, effective, and non-toxic.
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Roach Fumigation
Stop CockroachesEliminate Roaches
Not sure how to get rid of cockroaches? You’re not alone. Cockroaches are one of the most common household pests in the world. Imagine Care® is your best defense against resistant roaches.
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Ant Control
Get Rid of AntsBye Bye Ants
Not sure how to get rid of ants? You’re not alone. Ants are one of the most common household pests in the world. Imagine Care ® is your best defense against stinging ants.
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Bat Control
Eradicate Bats NowWe Remove Bats
If bats are your pests, then you need them safely excluded, or removed, from the building they are living in. Imagine Care overs BAts Control and Removal as one of our specialty services.
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Bee Fumigation
Get Rid of BeesAvoid Bee Stings
Need Bee Control? You’ve come to the Right Place. We form the best Defense against all bee attacks. Safe & Guaranteed Bee Control Solutions For Your Business or Home
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Flea Fumigation
Fumigate FleasFlea Control
Fleas are tiny, irritating insects. Their bites are itchy and sometimes painful, and getting rid of them is hard. Thus is when Imagine Care’s professional pest control treatment may be required.
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Flies Control
Fumigate HousefliesKill Flies
Flies can be a nuisance pest for homes and businesses. A fly infestation could pose a serious health risk as flies are known to spread a range of diseases. Let Imagine Care take care of the flies problem.
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Mosquito Control
Avoid MalariaGet Rid of Mosquitoes
We know how to determine if mosquitoes are in your home. We offer mosquito control solutions, which are fast, odorless, effective, and non-toxic.
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Spider Control
Remove SpidersWe Fumigate Spiders
Make a stop to the creepy crawling pests with our spider pest control services.
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Rodent Control
Remove RatsEliminate Mice
Rodents, commonly known as rats or mice are among the most widespread & disruptive pests. They can be very persistent to control without professional help.
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Termite Control
Get Rid of TermitesBye Bye Termites
Imagine Care conducts a thorough inspection of the entire home inside and out to determine the extent of the infestation and then proceeds to apply the appropriate control measures.
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Wasp Control
Eradicate WaspsRemove Wasps & Hornets
Bees and wasps are not only invasive insects, but they pose harm when defensive or aggressive. Imagine Care specializes in wasps control and removal services.
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Mold Control
Get Rid of MoldStop Mold & Mildew
Mold Control. Some molds can also produce mycotoxins which can pose a serious health risk to humans.
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Feral Cats Control
Eradicate Feral CatsKill Feral Cats
If you think you might have feral cats and need treatment, call Imagine Care® today and schedule a QUICK feral cat removal service.
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Silverfish Control
Fumigate SilverfishKill Silverfish
We apply silverfish control and removal treatment sprays to the walls and flooring of your home or business space to get rid of silverfish.
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Snake Control
Avoid Snake BitesRepell Snakes
Take the steps to prevent snakes on your property by repelling them from your lawn and garden.
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Nairobi Fly Control
Remove Narrow Bee FlyWe Nairobi Flies
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Mites Control
Remove MitesEliminate Mites
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Snail Control
We Stop Snails & SlugsEliminate Snails
Snails and slugs are among the most widespread & disruptive pests. They can be very persistent to control without professional help.
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Weeds Control
Get Rid of WeedsBye Bye Weeds
Imagine Care conducts a thorough inspection of the entire home inside and out to determine the extent of the infestation and then proceeds to apply the appropriate control measures.
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