The use of biodigester bacteria enzymes restores the biological population of good worker bacteria and enzymes which reduce solids. The beneficial bacteria also get carried over to the soaking area to reduce solids and help prevent clogging. A clogged leach field is the biggest problem for septic systems, the hardest and most costly to repair. Using these bacteria, you will not need an exhauster.



Biodigester Bacteria Enzymes Benefits

  • See the result in 1 day
  • It reduces surface and bottom waste in the system
  • Prevents blockages
  • Unblocks blocked system
  • The beneficial bacteria get carried over to the soaking area to reduce solids and help prevent clogging
  • Activates the system with healthy bacteria which multiplies with time
  • You will not need an exhauster
  • Packed with powerful bacteria & enzymes to digest the waste.
  • Helps prevent back-ups and overflows.
  • Prevents and removes the bad smells.
  • Grease and oils in food waste
  • It is cost-effective
  • Environmentally friendly
  • No bad odor




Biodigester Bacteria Enzymes Application

Easy to use – just put it in the toilet and flush or put it directly in the biodigester.



Biodigester Bacteria Enzymes Precautions

  • Do not touch bare hands, use gloves
  • Can cause skin irritation
  • Keep away from children
  • If accidentally consumed, visit a doctor

To place an order, call us on +254737898884, +254759292158, +254775145267, +254103055943, +254794265503, +254756432285, +254757668223, +254789231328, +254742448334, or drop an email to .