Some people find snakes very scary. Interestingly, they are shy and harmless unless when they sense danger. They are scaly, legless, and slippery, which allows them to slither through small openings. Usually, they will enter homes in search of prey. They feed on rodents, birds, fish, eggs, and insects. Even though snakes are not aggressive, it is not wise to share your living spaces with them. You can always seek snake repellent services from professional pest control experts around you. They will not only help you keep away the snakes but also help you to prevent a similar infestation in the future.
How to know if you have snakes
An important step in the delivery of snake control services is the identification of snakes in your home. The signs of snake infestations include;
- Seeing live snakes slithering away.
- Droppings: If snakes have made certain areas in your home their habitat, you will find small whitish-gray droppings. You might also notice yellow stains that are caused by their urine.
- Twisty trails on dusty surfaces.
- Skin droppings as snakes shed their skin.
- Snake nests: Some snakes like the cobra build nests for their eggs to hatch and develop. Nests are usually balls of grass.
- Odor: During the mating seasons, snakes will release a certain chemical that smells bad.
Where you might find snakes
There are certain places where you cannot miss the presence of snakes that are more commonly found.
- Reptile Habitats – Nature reserves of rough grassland, disused quarries, large allotments, large derelict urban sites, or sunny road and railway embankments with scrub cover.
- Garden Features – Wood, rock or rubble piles, rockeries, ponds, long grass areas, and shrubs.
- Sunny Areas – Sun trap areas with lots of vegetation cover and places to shelter.
- Gardens, parks, or other grassed areas – Be prepared to find reptiles if you lift up debris or are near features such as hedges, ponds, compost heaps, and areas of long grass.
What to do if you get bitten by a snake
Snake bites are generally rare, but they do happen. If you or anyone in your family gets bitten, call emergency service right away and get the victim to a hospital fast. If possible, find out what type of snake it was as this will help with treatment.
How to keep snakes away from your property
Preventing snake infestation is better and less expensive than removing them. Below are a few tips on control and safety.
Remove sources of food
Snakes will not come to your house to attack you. Rather, they will come while following rodents and insects. As such, exterminators who provide snake control services advise that you should keep your house free of other pests through regular fumigation service routines, perhaps on a quarterly basis.
Clear your yard
Snakes will avoid any contact with human beings. They will often live in tall grass, in bushes, piles of wood, and in areas where they cannot be spotted easily. To make your home inhabitable for them keep your yard clean. Mow the grass, clear the bushes and remove refuse piles. You should also avoid leaving pet food outside because it attracts rodents, which snakes chase after.
People living in areas that have high populations of snakes can erect snake-proof fences to keep these pests away.
Seal entry points
Due to their nature, snakes can pass through very small openings. Cracks and openings on walls can act as their entry points. Seal these gaps with silicone sealant or fine mesh.
Leave snakes alone
The shyness of snakes ends when they are provoked. At times, you might be tempted to attack the snake so as to kill it. However, if you are not experienced or do not have protective wear, kindly leave the snake alone. It could fight back and bite you. Some snakes also target the eyes. While snake control is necessary, safety is paramount.
Use snake repellents
You can purchase and apply a snake repellent to keep your yard, home, or garden safe. Snake repellents work effectively by disrupting the Jacobsen’s Organ. This part of a snake’s brain is essential for interpreting external signals that help a snake safely navigate its environment. When that communication is temporarily broken, a snake will retreat in search of fresh air.
Contact professional snake experts
Experience is very important when dealing with pests such as snakes. Snake control experts have vast knowledge of snakes’ species and employ the best control and repellent strategies. When you detect a snake in your home, you can always call us at any time via +254737898884, +254759292158, +254789231328, +254742448334, or drop an email to .
As Imagine Care only offers snake repellent services as part of our service package, be sure to contact the Kenya Wildlife and the County government or snake operator if you suspect you have a non-native snake nearby for re-homing.
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