Are strange noises in your attic at night keeping you awake? If this is happening to you, the following article may help to shed some light on what’s actually going on. Noises in the loft at night can cause a great deal of distress to property owners. These noises can be extremely odd or strange and can cause a great deal of anxiety. Noises in your attic can also lead to sleepless nights and be highly disturbing.
Many times it will sound as if there are intruders in your loft and this can be troubling. Most often noises are a type of scratching or rustling. You might also hear gnawing or grinding noise, or otherwise shrieking, screeching, or flapping sounds.
There are dozens of reasons why you could be hearing these noises. The most common is because there are rodents rampaging through your loft. But before you jump to conclusions it’s useful to know what other pests could be making these noises.
Noises in Your Attic at Night Can Be Many Different Pests
These could include:
The most common source of noises in the loft at night is rats. These pests come out at night to feed and move about. The noises you hear are them scurrying across the ground. These can be noisy and a common scenario is rats coming in from the outside or from a breach in the sewer to go into the loft to rest or even to breed. There is usually no food source in a loft for them to be interested in but this will not stop them chewing cables and pipes (they have been known to start fires & cause floods) fouling water tanks, causing smells, and don’t forget they carry diseases, some of which can be fatal.
Normal mouse traps can often be too small for rats, so live traps, rodenticides, or calling out a professional rat exterminator are your best options to get rid of rats in the attic. It’s vital to get rid of rats as soon as you notice the signs because they can be extremely damaging to your home and health.
Less noisy than rats, and they can live full time in lofts or wall cavities, feeding on insects, woodlice, and seeds blown in. They carry many of the same diseases as rats and can cause the same sort of damage but on a lesser scale.
The reason why these pests can generate odd noises is because of the claws on their feet. When they run over surfaces like say, for example, metal, these claws can wind up making very strange noises.
The other reason is that mice are continuously gnawing on things to keep their incisors short. This process can create strange sounds. Mice can also make shrieking noises, especially when they are fighting or breeding.
To help you get rid of mice in the attic, mouse traps and poison are readily available on our online store; however, this just gets rid of the immediate mice and not the nest. Turn to a professional team who can ensure that your pest problem is completely eradicated, so that your home is safe and your family, healthy.
These are also another source of noise in the loft at night. They make noises that are similar to rats and mice, namely scratching, screeching, and scurrying sounds.
Daytime noise, especially in the morning or evening. Fast scampering, medium volume, usually in the attic, but sometimes the walls, and often the eaves. You also might hear the rolling of various nuts on the ceiling.
Frantic flapping and tweeting sounds are a telltale sound of a bird in your attic. Although they’re not as big a threat as mice and rats, birds can ruin your roof and tiles so it’s important to help release them back outside. Birds have a very distinct sound if they’re stuck in your loft, they will call out repeatedly. What’s best to do with birds in your loft is trap them and remove them. Once the young have flown then holes in a building can be blocked up to prevent further problems.
Wasp & Bee Nests
Humming sounds might be heard if there’s a large nest of wasps or bees in your attic. Their nests can be as big as the size of a football, so it’s possible you will hear a dull buzzing sound if you get close.
The last thing you want to be doing is trying to remove a wasp’s nest without any experience or any protective wear. In the case of wasps or bees, it’s best to leave it to the experts who will be able to remove them from hard-to-reach places without causing any danger to you and your family.
It’s unlikely that you will hear a bat in your loft as they will fly to the high rafters, so you’re more likely to see one when they make their way into your living area during the nighttime. The only time you may hear noises is if a bat gets stuck within a wall, as you may hear scratching if they fall or hit the wall whilst trying to get out. They also squeak and make pings and clicks other types of echolocation noises. If you go out at night time, you may even be able to see the bats flying to and from your roof – this will give you a good indication of their access areas.
You might think that tiny hole in your attic wall is too small for any pest to fit through. Think again. Bats, which can weigh less than two ounces, can fit through a hole as small as the diameter of your finger! Some species like to nest in trees, which means they could be attracted to the wood framing in your attic. Since these critters can carry rabies and other disease-causing pathogens, don’t try to remove the pest yourself. If you think bats might have made their way into your attic, contact a bat removal professional.
If you have silverfish, you won’t hear them but you will certainly see them scurrying around in the dark when you enter your loft. Silverfish enjoy moist areas and because your attic is an uninhabited room, it’s likely that there’s a little damp – an ideal place for them to reside and enjoy starchy foods such as old books.
Check for any leaks and have them fixed, cover any cracks in foundations and ensure that you have a tight, secure attic. Next, remove their food source, this includes clothes, books, and cardboard. Alternatively, place these items into plastic containers rather than cardboard boxes because they will make good work of this delicious treat. Lastly, hoover and use a dehumidifier to extract any moisture in your attic.
Like bees and wasps, you may hear buzzing coming from your attic and this can certainly send shivers down your spine. Flies live for a maximum of 30 days but during this time, they can lay around 400 to 600 eggs, leading to a huge infestation. Flies very much enjoy areas where the moisture levels are high and are attracted by nearby food, so your outside bins, for example, could be their local restaurant.
Remove the moisture from the air, get a dehumidifier to do this. Cover all food, keep everything clean and keep your outdoor bins shut properly. And if possible, shop for DIY fly remedies for a quick fix.
Silencing The Sounds
Given the fact that you might not know for sure what kind of pest you’re dealing with or how many there actually are, it’s always the smartest strategy to leave pest control to the professionals.
However, prevention is half the battle to keeping unwanted house guests out and stop noises in your attic. So, there are a few things you can do to help protect your home. For instance:
- Keep clutter at a minimum, especially in spaces like your attic and basement
- Check your property for cracks in the foundation, siding, and around windows
- Clear your gutters of debris
- Cap your chimney
- Put pet food away in secure plastic or metal bins, with properly fitting lids and covers
- Take care to dispose of trash completely and in the right receptacles
- Make sure bushes and trees are trimmed clear of your house, especially away from the roof and windows
- Stack firewood well away from the perimeter of your house
Seek Professional Help for Noises in Your Attic
Ultimately, what you should do is go upstairs and investigate the causes of these noises in your attic at night. Putting off the problem, and not knowing what’s going on will only make things worse. So don’t be afraid to go up there with a flashlight and see what’s happening.
Remember, the most common explanation for the noises is that you have rats, mice, or birds. Look for droppings, dead bodies, or signs of their nests. In the case of birds look for feathers. If you see any of these, contact us on 0759292158, 0103055943, 0742448334, 0756432285, or drop an email to  to come out and take a closer look.
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