Cholera outbreaks tend to receive widespread media attention and speedy, crisis-management responses. Less talked about, but just as deadly is acute diarrhea, which is a direct consequence of poor water and sanitation provision. The acute health problems that exist or can potentially arise in certain of the urban and in almost all the rural areas of our developing country are a result of either non-existing or inadequate waste matter treatment.
What is the waste matter?
Waste matter (feces) is what remains after food has been digested, discharged from the bowels. This material is often inadvertently contaminated with toxic organic and inorganic compounds. Human waste is a waste type usually used to refer to by-products of digestion, such as feces and urine.
Human waste can be a serious health hazard, as it is a good vector (an organism that transmits a particular disease or parasite from one animal or plant to another or both viral and bacterial diseases) A major accomplishment of human civilization has been the reduction of disease transmission via human waste through the practice of hygiene and sanitation, including the development of sewage systems and plumbing.
Human waste can be reduced or reused through the use of waterless urinals and composting toilets and greywater. The most common method of waste treatment in rural areas where municipal sewage systems are unavailable is the use of septic tank systems and Pit latrine.
Top Pit Latrine, Compost, Sewage, and Bio Digester Chemicals, Enzymes and Bacteria
Looking for the best pit latrine & sewage digester chemicals that actually work? You’re in the right place!
- Prevents pit latrines and septic tanks from filling up
- Clears blocked drainage pipes for kitchen, toilets, and bathrooms
- Eliminates bad smell
- Kills germs and improves hygiene
- Environmentally friendly
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- No more odors!
- No more flies!
- Solid waste is liquefied.
- Pit takes longer to fill.
- Clean liquid flows through the ground without contaminating the groundwater.
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Dio Pit Digester
- Prevents pit latrines and septic tanks from filling up
- Clears blocked drainage pipes for kitchen, toilets, and bathrooms
- Eliminates bad smell
- Kills germs and improves hygiene
- EnvironmBenefits of Dio Pit Digesterentally friendly
- Repels flies
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Hy-Propit Digester
Super Flush
Super Flush biochemical formulation consists of a synergistic blend of selected Bacillus micro-organisms that provide exceptional performance over a wide range of organic waste-related applications.
Super Flush is 100% organic, environmentally friendly, containing only enzymes, micro-organisms, and bacteria that are harmless to people and animals in liquid form.
Super Flush excels in wastewater treatment and drains line treatment.
Super Septic is a proprietary blend of bacteria selected for their ability to degrade organic waste. The product contains both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria in equal portions and hence can be used in many different applications.
Super Septic is 100% organic, environmentally friendly, containing only enzymes, micro-organisms, and bacteria that are harmless to people and animals in light green, low dusting powder.
- The ability to reduce pit levels in long drop toilets.
- Eliminates odors and flies.
- Reduces septic tank levels.
- Eliminates the need to pump out pit toilets or septic tanks.
- Rapidly digests organic waste assuring easy pump-outs
- Attacks and neutralizes fly larvae
- Non-hazardous to animals, people, and water bodies
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EM.1(effective microorganisms) is a mixed culture microbial inoculant composed of several species of beneficial bacteria, yeasts, and fungi whose synergistic actions, either directly or indirectly, produce a wide variety of substances called antioxidants for organic agriculture practices, livestock management, environmental management, organic cleaning for pit latrine management, sewage treatment, industrial degreasers, and odor management.
EM.1 has now gained popularity in more than 300 countries around the world and is now being used in the fields of medicine, crops and animal production, and industrial waste management as a microbial inoculant.
EM.1 is chemical-free so you can use it abundantly and safely for your family and pets. At the same time, you can contribute to help the natural environment when applying EM.1, for instance, by pouring EM in your drain ditch or toilet. Wastewater is not always just a pollutant, it can carry microbes beneficial to the ecosystem.
EM-1 are widely used on:
- Aquaculture (Fish & Prawns)
- Poultry (Chicken Farm)
- Agriculture
- Home & Living
EM-1 is made up of Three main beneficial bacteria:
- Lactobacillus
- Saccharomyces (Yeast)
- Phototropic bacteria
These 3 beneficial bacteria will co-exist in the microbial inoculant with has a significant effect on agriculture, home gardening, shrimp farm, and poultry farm. Nonetheless, EM-1 also makes a great organic household cleaning agent which can use for mopping, cleaning oil stains and remove the unpleasant smell from drains or pets house.
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Bio Pit Latrine & Sewage Digester
Bio Pit Latrine & Sewage Digester is a biological enzyme-based formulation (containing beneficial bacteria) for use in pit toilets, portable toilets, septic tanks treatment, restaurant grease traps & biogas production.
- Prevents pit latrines and septic tanks from filling up
- Clears blocked drainage pipes for kitchen, toilets, and bathrooms
- Eliminates bad smell
- Kills germs and improves hygiene
- Environmentally friendly
- Repels flies
- Save you the economic cost of digging and erecting a new pit latrine
- Disinfect thus killing disease-causing germs
- Used as an accelerator in biogas production
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Bio Pit
Bio-pit latrine digester is a biological enzyme-based formulation (containing beneficial bacteria) for use in pit toilets, portable toilets, septic tanks treatment, restaurant grease traps, and biogas production.
Bio-pit prevents pit latrines, septic tanks, and drainage systems from fill-ups, clears the blockage, repels flies, and eliminates bad odor.
- Repels flies
- Eliminates bad smell/stench
- Freshens the environments
- Eat up polythene, condoms, diapers
- Clears blocked drainage pipes/sinks/taps
- Prevents latrines and septic tanks to fill up
- Eats up water in septic tanks/soak pits
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Out of the pit latrine & sewage digester chemical products we researched and reviewed, our top pick goes to Super pit digester.
It’s the “go-to” digester for pit latrines and sewages providing a quick-safe/cheaper option for the fastest results.
Its ingredients are specifically formulated to target waste that would normally be unphased by other products.
Something also important to note is that you can’t buy this stuff over the counter at your local garden/home store, so online is your only option for purchase.
Given the fact that this product is affordable, tested to work, and easy to use, we’ve made it our top pick. Contact us on 0759292158, 0103055943, 0742448334, 0756432285, or drop an email to to buy the best pit latrine & sewage digester chemicals that actually work?
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