Imagine Care Limited

Snake Repellent Services

Send snakes slithering away


Snake Control in Homes

Although snakes aren’t evil creatures out to make our lives miserable, they do make many homeowners uncomfortable. Practicing snake repellent and preventative measures will allow you to keep snakes out of your yard in a humane way.

Our team of licensed specialists has the expertise and knowledge to perform snake repellent services necessary on your property. We first examine the type of snake, then identify its nest and completely destroy its habitat around your property.

Snakes do not like strong scents and that is why we use repellent chemicals (Actelli 50 EC, Kerol, Snake Fix) that are very unbearable to allow snakes to quickly come out of their hiding and find another place that is conducive, far away from your property. We make use of the Actelic spray application which serves as the best snake repellent when sprayed along the perimeter fence or any vegetation harboring the snakes. We achieve 100% success since breathing and slithering on the treated areas becomes irritating making the snakes suffocate and die or run away for good!

Office Snake Control

Our office snake repellent service is proven to get rid of all snakes permanently instantly. The treatment can be used in all office facilities and has an immediate elimination effect when it comes to snakes.

  • Thorough fumigation for your office.
  • Kills 99.99% of snakes.
  • Suitable for domestic and commercial properties.
  • Done by experienced and equipped with protective gears technicians.
  • Using certified, highly effective, and non-toxic insecticides.
  • Fumigate and make your employees feel safer and snake-free.

Compound Snake Fumigation

Snakes can invade anywhere there’s a food source, and your compound or lawn is not an exception. For extra peace of mind, you can take advantage of our compound snake fumigation service and avoid snake bites.
  • The service will start with thorough fumigation of your compound with certified insecticides, disinfectants, and repellents to ensure all snakes are eliminated.
  • The fumigation will take no more than 60 minutes, and once the service is over there is no need for rinsing as the insecticides we use are non-toxic and 100% pet and children safe.
  • That ensures that even the most isolated areas in your lawn are fumigated.
  • Kills 99.99% of snakes.
  • Done by experienced and equipped with protective gears technicians.
  • Using certified non-toxic insecticides.
Why They Hire Us for Snake Control
  • Our trained technicians will protect your home and family against snakes.
  • Discreet pest treatments for your home or your business. 
  • Technicians are available 24/7 to service your home in just 2 hours after booking.
  • Our customer care center operates 24/7 so you can reach us at any time you need.
  • We have more than 15 years of experience repelling snakes successfully.
  • No major preparation is needed before fumigation, leave everything untouched.
  • Our advanced solutions adapt to seasonal pest activity to give you year-round protection.
  • We are constantly testing current snake treatment methods to make sure we only provide you with the most cost-effective snake treatment with the least upheaval.
  • Assurance to use approved, non-toxic, and environmentally safe insecticides during fumigation.
  • We’ll do whatever it takes, including coming back at no cost, until snakes are gone.
  • We can go anywhere across Kenya. We’ve done work in every part of the country.
  • 100% satisfaction backed up by a 60 days service guarantee.
  • Our services are discounted for everyone.
  • Only Pest Control Board of Kenya Approved insecticides are used for fumigation.
What to Expect on Fumigation Day
  • A vetted and expertly trained technician will arrive at your premises in an unmarked vehicle/PSV/bike/uber/bolt for privacy.
  • The technician(s) then performs a full property inspection before starting the treatment.
  • Our technician(s) treats the area with a combination of very safe, pet-friendly, and instant-killing liquid insecticides, disinfectants, and repellents to eliminate any hidden snakes in just one visit.
  • We make use of the Actelic spray application which serves as the best snake repellent when sprayed along the perimeter fence or any vegetation harboring the snakes.
  • The technician applies repellent chemicals (Actelli 50 EC, Kerol, Snake Fix, Snake Rpl Fixer) that eliminate and keep protecting(residual effectiveness) your home from snakes for longer.
  • Finally, snake repellent paste is applied in crucial areas for future protection against snakes.
  • Step out, then re-enter the safe and snake-free house or compound after approximately one to two hours when the house has ventilated and the mist dried up.
  • The insecticides we use are almost odorless. And the mild fumes clear within one hour time after fumigation. You’ll be expected to leave doors or windows or both open for one hour before you enter your snake-free house.
  • Imagine Care® backs the work with our snake control report, receipt, and 60-day bedbug guarantee upon mobile payment.
  • Finally, you’ll get a free call to follow up after 7 days to determine how you’re faring and detailed recommendations to stay snake-free.
  • Commit with a 50% downpayment via Mpesa Paybill no.: 600100, a/c no: 0100011947039 when you book and pay fully after service(see fumigation rates below).

Reasons Others Always Choose Us

Order Fumigation Now

Bedsitter: New* Ksh 6,000

Single: New* Ksh 6,000

S.Q/Cube: New* Ksh 6,000

Studio: New* Ksh 6,000

Double: New* Ksh 6,000

Guardhouse: New* Ksh 6,000

Bar/Lodge: New* Ksh 6,000

Single Room: New* Ksh 6,000

Kitchen only: New* Ksh 6,000

Bus/Matatu: New* Ksh 6,000

Pantry/Store: New* Ksh 6,000

Lorry/Car: New* Ksh 6,000

Camp/Tent: New* Ksh 6,000

Cabin/Cottage: New* Ksh 6,000

Institution beds: New* Ksh 500

Lockers: New* Ksh 500

Book  Fumigation Today

1 Bedroom: New* Kes 7,000

2 Bedroom: New* Kes 8,000

3 Bedroom: New* Kes 9,000

4 Bedroom: New* Kes 10,000

5 Bedroom: New* Kes 11,000

6 Bedroom: New* Kes 12,000

7 Bedroom: New* Kes 13,000

Butchery: New* Kes 10,000

Restaurant: New* Kes 20,000

Jet/Yatch: New* Kes 20,000

Warehouse: New* Kes 20,000

Pallets: New* Kes 1,000

Survey: New* Kes 1,500

Size: New* Kes 50/Sq.m

Size: New* Kes 10/Sq.ft

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    Housekeeping/Cleaning  Rates

    Snake Repellent Prices

    Pests and Seasons in Kenya

    1. Sring

    Spring is the breeding season for many pest types. We’ll make sure you don’t have an infestation in development. (Ants, spiders, mosquitoes, bed bugs, and cockroaches)

    2. Summer

    Summer heat means pest activity is high. We’ll have your home’s perimeter secure. (Ants, bed bugs, stinging pests, and house crickets)

    3. Fall

    As temperatures drop, pests seek someplace warm. We’ll make sure your home’s barrier is ready. (Spiders, mice, and rats)

    4. Winter

    Pests will be looking for all of the warmth and moisture they can find. We’ll make sure your home is protected. (Earwigs, spiders, and mice)

    When are Pests Active?

    Pests are active year-round. That means you need protection year-round. Looking for fast, effective commercial bed bug treatment for your hotel, school, restaurant, camp, lodge, or office? 

    Don’t worry, Imagine Care® Commercial has your business covered with the right industry reports and certifications.

    Fumigation for Your Business

    One Time Service

    Imagine Care® friendly technicians will treat the inside and outside of your property on a need basis when pests strike.

    Monthly Service

    We’ll make sure you don’t have an infestation in development by carrying out an effective single treatment per month. Ideal for very busy businesses like restaurants, hotels, motels, second-hand stores, kitchens, and fast foods.

    Bi-monthly Service

    Imagine Care® we’ll make sure your home is protected by carrying out a general single fumigation service after two months. Ideal for fairly busy businesses like apartments, the automotive industry, and airlines.

    Quarterly Service

    We’ll make sure you don’t have an infestation in development by carrying out an effective single treatment after a three-month period. Ideal for less busy businesses like rental homes, warehouses, schools, offices, and estates.

    Semi-annual Service

    We’ll make sure you don’t have an infestation in development by carrying out an effective single treatment after a six-month period. Ideal for properties less likely to be infested by pests due to good hygiene practices.

    Trusted Bedbug Insecticides

    Snake Bites

    If you or anyone in your family gets bitten, call emergency service(Bio-Ken Snake Farm – +254 718290324; Kenya Snakebite Research and Intervention Center – +254 795285992, +254 795285980) right away and get the victim to a hospital fast. If possible, find out what type of snake it was as this will help with treatment.

    As Imagine Care only offers snake repellent services as part of our service package, be sure to contact the Kenya Wildlife and the County government or a trained snake operator for re-homing or safe removal if you suspect you have a non-native snake nearby.

    Control Snakes
    • Sealing up cracks and gaps along exterior walls with fine mesh or caulk.
    • To eliminate potential food sources, take steps to control rodent and insect populations.
    • Mow grass regularly to keep it short.
    • Clear low-growing plants and shrubs that provide cover.
    • Remove rockeries, debris, wood, or log piles. Keep compost heaps in a sealed bin.
    • Fill holes that they can hide in; under sheds, patios, and walls.
    • Putting close-fitting fences or walls around ponds can be a deterrent.
    Snake Species

    There are three main snake species that you will encounter in Kenya:

    • Puff Adder
    • Cape Cobra
    • African Rock Python

    Most Kenyan snakes are harmless and not aggressive unless provoked. If snakes are provoked they can bite. For your own safety and that of the snake, you should never touch them and whenever possible, please try not to be alarmed.

    Snake Habitats
    • Reptile Habitats – Nature reserves of rough grassland, disused quarries, large allotments, large derelict urban sites, or sunny road and railway embankments with scrub cover.
    • Sunny Areas – Sun trap areas with lots of vegetation cover and places to shelter.
    • Gardens, parks, or other grassed areas – Be prepared to find reptiles if you lift up debris or are near features such as hedges, ponds, compost heaps, and areas of long grass.
    • Garden Features – Wood, rock or rubble piles, rockeries, ponds, long grass areas, and shrubs.
    Signs Of Snakes

    Snakes are good at hiding, but not good at hiding evidence. The careless clues they leave are the best indicator your home is overrun with snakes.

    The clues to look for include:

    • Snakes like to hide, so you may not know they are around until you actually see them. Snakes shed their skins several times a year, so one of the first signs might be the shed skins they leave behind. If you live in an area that is dusty or have a yard that is mostly dirt, you might also see twisty trails as they slither along.
    • Snakes like to hide in heavy vegetation and under porches, decks, piles of rocks, and holes. Be on the lookout around your property, and if you live in an area where snakes are common, approach them with caution.
    • If you do spot a snake, it will usually be in the warmer season when they are at their most active.
    • Only gardens with extensive secluded wildlife areas will have snakes. In most garden areas if snakes are seen, they are most likely just passing through.
    • Winding trails on light dirt or sandy surfaces, particularly across heathland areas is also a sure sign of snakes around.
    Snakes Q & A

    Q. What’s the process of doing snake control?

    A. We use a combination of repellents in liquid, paste, and powder form around the property to kill and repel snakes away.

    Q. What’s the best time to carry out snake control?

    A. Immediately you spot snakes, start the process. The season isn’t an issue.

    Q. Is snake control and related chemicals safe for pets/animals and humans?

    A. Yes, it is immediately the mist dries up. Approximately 2 hours. The treatment only targets reptiles (snakes).

    Q. Where do you apply the snake control chemicals?

    A. Lawns or grassy areas and the perimeter (fence) are sprayed with a liquid repellent, then the fence, stones, tree stumps baited with a paste repellent, and finally a powder(not visible) is sprinkled along the property edges.

    Q. Will snake control work during the rainy season?

    A. We use adjuvants/stickers to make the chemicals stick firmly on surfaces without washing off quickly and also increase the residual effectiveness for up to 6 months.

    First Aid for Snakebites

    When someone is bitten by a snake, it is advised that you treat every bite as venomous until proven otherwise by a health provider. The following steps are a simple guide on how to help a snakebite victim before they reach the hospital.

    Step 1: Move the victim from danger and lay him down. Provide assurance to the victim and contact an ambulance or the fastest route to the nearest health facility.

    Step 2: Remove all jewelry and shoes from the affected limb. Apply a bandage/ leso around the limb, starting at the toes (or fingers if bitten on the arm). Apply this firmly throughout the entire limb leaving the toes/ fingers to assess blood circulation. Apply a splint (or sling for the arm) to further immobilize the limb. If possible, mark the site of the bite on the bandage with a pen.

    Step 3: Place the victim lying on the left side with his legs slightly elevated. While waiting for the ambulance you can ask about snake identification, the time it occurred, and if any medication has been used, which will help in snake identification and further treatment at the hospital.

    Step 4: In the case of the venomous spitting cobra, irrigate the eye with copious amounts of water (preferably running water). You can use milk or the victim’s urine if water is unavailable. Avoid rubbing the eye as will cause more damage.

    Successful Fumigations
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    Customers ❤️ “Imagine Care Limited”

    • Very effective and professional fumigation service. Top quality

      Frank Kaleve Avatar Frank Kaleve

      Very fast and great service.kudos!

      Micino Brian Avatar Micino Brian

      Professional..they keep time. Highly recommended.

      Okello Winnie Avatar Okello Winnie
    • Super prompt delivery and efficiency! I only hope you can consider setting up a credit card payment option.

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    Variety of Our Fumigation Services

    bed bug_tips-3

    Bedbug Control

    Save 20% Today

    We Fumigate Bed Bugs

    We know how to determine if bed bugs are in your home. We offer bed bug control solutions, which are fast, odorless, effective, and non-toxic.

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    Roach Fumigation

    Stop Cockroaches

    Eliminate Roaches

    Not sure how to get rid of cockroaches? You’re not alone. Cockroaches are one of the most common household pests in the world. Imagine Care® is your best defense against resistant roaches.

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    termite and ant remedy

    Ant Control

    Get Rid of Ants

    Bye Bye Ants

    Not sure how to get rid of ants? You’re not alone. Ants are one of the most common household pests in the world. Imagine Care ® is your best defense against stinging ants.

    Book Fumigation

    Bat Control

    Eradicate Bats Now

    We Remove Bats

    If bats are your pests, then you need them safely excluded, or removed, from the building they are living in. Imagine Care overs BAts Control and Removal as one of our specialty services.

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    bee control

    Bee Fumigation

    Get Rid of Bees

    Avoid Bee Stings

    Need Bee Control? You’ve come to the Right Place. We form the best Defense against all bee attacks. Safe & Guaranteed Bee Control Solutions For Your Business or Home

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    Flea Fumigation

    Fumigate Fleas

    Flea Control

    Fleas are tiny, irritating insects. Their bites are itchy and sometimes painful, and getting rid of them is hard. Thus is when Imagine Care’s professional pest control treatment may be required.

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    Flies Control

    Fumigate Houseflies

    Kill Flies

    Flies can be a nuisance pest for homes and businesses. A fly infestation could pose a serious health risk as flies are known to spread a range of diseases. Let Imagine Care take care of the flies problem.

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    Mosquito Control

    Avoid Malaria

    Get Rid of Mosquitoes

    We know how to determine if mosquitoes are in your home. We offer mosquito control solutions, which are fast, odorless, effective, and non-toxic.

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    Spider Control

    Remove Spiders

    We Fumigate Spiders

    Make a stop to the creepy crawling pests with our spider pest control services.

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    Rat & Mice

    Rodent Control

    Remove Rats

    Eliminate Mice

    Rodents, commonly known as rats or mice are among the most widespread & disruptive pests. They can be very persistent to control without professional help.

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    Termite Control

    Get Rid of Termites

    Bye Bye Termites

    Imagine Care conducts a thorough inspection of the entire home inside and out to determine the extent of the infestation and then proceeds to apply the appropriate control measures.

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    Wasp Control

    Eradicate Wasps

    Remove Wasps & Hornets

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    Mold Control

    Get Rid of Mold

    Stop Mold & Mildew

    Mold Control. Some molds can also produce mycotoxins which can pose a serious health risk to humans.

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    feral cats

    Feral Cats Control

    Eradicate Feral Cats

    Kill Feral Cats

    If you think you might have feral cats and need treatment, call Imagine Care® today and schedule a QUICK feral cat removal service.

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    How to Get Rid of Silverfish

    Silverfish Control

    Fumigate Silverfish

    Kill Silverfish

    We apply silverfish control and removal treatment sprays to the walls and flooring of your home or business space to get rid of silverfish.

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    Snake Control

    Avoid Snake Bites

    Repell Snakes

    Take the steps to prevent snakes on your property by repelling them from your lawn and garden.

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    Nairobi Fly Control

    Remove Narrow Bee Fly

    We Nairobi Flies

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    Mites Control

    Remove Mites

    Eliminate Mites

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    Snail Control

    We Stop Snails & Slugs

    Eliminate Snails

    Snails and slugs are among the most widespread & disruptive pests. They can be very persistent to control without professional help.

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    crabgrass lawn & garden

    Weeds Control

    Get Rid of Weeds

    Bye Bye Weeds

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