Besides the nuisance and discomfort, a bed bug infestation can make you feel ashamed. This is particularly the case when guests come to your house and the best memory they have is being bitten by bed bugs. The good news is that bed bugs can be gotten rid of. The tips below on how to get rid of bed bugs are effective and easily applicable.

Bed bug bites are not dangerous but the little insects are very persistent in biting you. The situation is made worse due to the fact that you cannot spot them easily. Spotting them is the major step on how to get rid of bed bugs. Once you know where they are hiding and breeding, you will be in a position to apply the correct techniques and insecticides. Unfortunately, most people are unable to do a thorough inspection of bed bugs. Poor bed bug eradication practices will not work. The bed bugs will continue being a nuisance unless they are exterminated completely.  This is the reason why you will need a pest control expert who is well versed with information on bed bug infestations.


How to Identify Bed Bugs

Here are the signs that there is a bed bug infestation in your home;

  • Actual Bed bug bites on your skin.
  • Bloodstains on your sheets or pillowcases.
  • Dark or rusty spots of bedbug excrement on sheets and mattresses, bedclothes, and walls.
  • Bedbug fecal spots, eggshells, or shed skins in areas where bedbugs hide.
  • An offensive, musty odor from the bugs’ scent glands.


Knowing the signs is just but the start of the process on how to get rid of bed bugs. The next step is to carry out an inspection. Bed bugs mainly hide in the corners of the mattress, the bed frame, furniture, walls, carpets, and electronics.


How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

  1. De-Clutter

    Bed bugs can be hiding in your toys, clothes, bedding, and electronics. The first thing to do is to remove such items from the room. Since transferring the bed bugs to an area that is not infested is easy, put these items in a bag.  Even though you can place these items in another room, it is best to take them outside until they have been treated.


  2. Thoroughly Wash the Garments that Have Bed Bugs

    Sometimes, people throw away the garments that are infested with bed bugs. However, if you do not have this choice, you can wash them thoroughly. Note that garments and bedding can be treated with a non-staining insecticide. Alternatively, they can be washed in hot water that is 60 degrees centigrade. This is a significant step on how to get rid of bed bugs on garments.


  3. Disassemble Bed Frames

    If your bed is made of wood, bed bugs can hide in between the frames. As such, a good thing would be to dismantle the frames as this would be destroying the hiding site of these stubborn insects.  While at it, you can use a flashlight to see exactly where the bed bugs have been hiding. A bedbug control expert will also recommend the best insecticide to use to kill the bed bugs in the bed frames.
    On matters, of bedding, ensure that your mattress is covered with an encasement.  This encasement prevents bed bugs from getting into contact with the mattress. If there is a bed bug infestation, you will not need to apply the treatment on the mattress.


  4. Remove Drawers

    The bed bugs can also hide in the drawers of the desks and dressers in your house. To ensure that you completely exterminate them, remove these drawers. Use a flashlight to see if there are fecal spots of dried bed bug skin.  You should also spray to be on the safest side.


  5. Check the Furniture and Remove Them from The Wall

    Your furniture is also a great hiding spot for bed bugs. Inspect to determine the presence of these insects. Also, pull them away from the walls.


  6. Clean the Area

    After inspecting all areas with bedbugs, clean it up.  Vacuum the cracks and crevices on the furniture, walls, bed stands, rails, drawers, edges of the bed, and carpets.  Vacuum cleaning helps to pull out the bed bugs and also makes it easy to apply insecticides.


  7. Consider Using Insecticides

    Residual insecticides are applied as spot treatments to cracks and crevices where bed bugs are hiding. Increased penetration of the insecticide into cracks and crevices can be achieved if accumulated dirt and debris are first removed using a vacuum cleaner. Many readily available aerosol pesticide sprays will cause bed bugs to scatter making eradication more difficult. Dust formulations may be used to treat wall voids and attics.

Kungunil 200SL for bedbug control

Kungunil 200SL for bedbug control



Bedlam 200 sl for bed bug control

Bedlam 200 sl for bed bug control



Promax 20 EC insecticide for bedbugs, ants, cockroaches, mites, lice, fleas, tick

Promax 20 EC insecticide for bedbugs, ants, cockroaches, mites, lice, fleas, tick



Fendona 60 sc insecticide for bedbugs, cockroaches and mosquitoes

Fendona 60 sc insecticide for bedbugs, cockroaches, and mosquitoes




Dudu Spray pyrethrum insecticide for bedbugs, mosquitoes and cockroaches

Dudu Spray pyrethrum insecticide for bedbugs, mosquitoes, and cockroaches



Navigator 100SC for bedbugs

Navigator 100SC for bedbugs



K-Othrine WG 250 for bedbugs, cockroaches and ants

K-Othrine WG 250 for bedbugs, cockroaches, and ants



Pali 50 WP for bedbugs, cockroaches, ants and mosquitoes

Pali 50 WP for bedbugs, cockroaches, ants, and mosquitoes



Neocidol 600 EW for bedbugs and cockroaches

Neocidol 600 EW for bedbugs and cockroaches



Sevin Dudu Dust for bedbugs, cockroaches, ants and fleas

Sevin Dudu Dust for bedbugs, cockroaches, ants, and fleas



Diatomaceous Earth Insecticide Dust (3kg)

Diatomaceous Earth Insecticide Dust (3kg)



Detia Gas ExT

Detia Gas ExT



Icon 10 CS for mosquitoes, bedbugs, ants and cockroaches

Icon 10 CS for mosquitoes, bedbugs, ants, and cockroaches


While these tips on how to get rid of bed bugs are effective, you might need the intervention of a bedbug control expert.  Identifying their hiding places and exterminating them completely sometimes is not possible without expert advice. Imagine Care guarantees you safe, effective, and affordable bed bug control services.

Should you need our services, book bedbug fumigation here or call us on +254737898884, +254759292158, +254789231328, +254742448334, or drop an email to .


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