No one wants to think about having unwanted pests in their home. After all, our homes are supposed to be our respite from the outside world. But sometimes, our best efforts to maintain a clean, pest-free home simply aren’t enough. Spiders, ants, termites, and many other bugs can, and do, enter homes, especially those that are older or don’t have tightly fitted doors and windows.


If you find yourself dealing with a pest infestation, it’s usually a good idea to call a professional to handle it. They’re able to get into tight spaces and find hidden pests you may never be able to find. But how much does pest control cost?

Here, we’ll break it down so you’re able to determine the average pest control cost, and what you can expect to pay to make your home free from pests like mites or other bothersome insects.



How Much Does Fumigation Cost?

When you hire a pest control company, you have a few choices. You can hire for a one-time service or ongoing service. Imagine Care says the pest control price for a one-time visit is between Kes 5,000 and Kes 20,000. This cost is much higher than an ongoing visit since the technician will have to complete an investigation in order to diagnose the problem, and then provide treatment during the same visit.

There are times, however, when the entire treatment can’t occur in one visit. If you need several different treatments for your pest control problem, the price for the initial visit may be lower—between Kes 2,500 and Kes 12,000. In this visit, the professional will begin by assessing the problem. They will locate the nest and the entry point, and determine how extensive the problem is.

Next, they will create a plan to eradicate pests from your home. These follow-up visits will likely cost less: pest control prices for quarterly visits average Kes 8,000 to Kes 12,000 and monthly visits average Kes 4,500 to Kes 8,500.

In general, pest control prices can be different based on the type of pest you have in your home. Imagine Care features the pest control prices for some of the more common pests you may have in your home. Keep in mind that these are average prices, and can be affected by the extent of your infestation.



When to Call a Professional Fumigation Company

Most of the time, you can handle a minor pest issue on your own. Many pests that enter homes are simply seasonal invaders looking for a warm place to bed down. Many homes see a seasonal rotation of ants in the warmer months and spiders when the weather begins to cool down.

For these types of pest control problems, sticky traps, bait or even sprays can work effectively. Always use caution around kids and pets when using these types of products, and be sure to follow directions carefully. But in some cases, a pest control problem can get out of hand, and pests can begin to threaten your home’s condition.

In these cases, professional service is definitely called for. Below are some signs you may have a pest control problem that’s gotten out of control.



How to Spot a Carpenter Ant Infestation

Carpenter ants shouldn’t be considered benign invaders like regular ants are. These larger ants can quickly multiply and cause extensive damage to the inside of your home’s walls. Here are some signs to look for if you’re wondering whether to contact a professional to handle carpenter ants in your home:

  • You’ve spotted an increasing number of large, black ants in your home. Though they may be few, these ants can signal a much larger problem. They act as “scouts” for food sources, then alert the rest of the colony once they’ve had success.
  • Presence of frass, which looks like sawdust, on door jams, under baseboards, in basement areas, or crawlspaces. Termites eat wood, but pests like carpenter ants and bees push it out of the holes they’ve bored in your walls. You’ll see sawdust-like evidence to indicate that you may have ants taking up residence where you can’t see them.
  • If you ever notice winged ants on the outside of your window panes, you should know that this is an indication of a pervasive carpenter ant infestation. It’s time to call a professional immediately.



How to Spot a Termite Invasion

Termites are one of the most common pests in households, and they can be extremely difficult to eradicate. If the problem is extensive enough, you may even need to have your home tented and fumigated in order to get rid of termites. Here are some signs that you have a severe termite issue:

  • The appearance of blistering on wood flooring. As termites destroy the subflooring, your wood floors can take on the appearance of having blistering or water damage.
  • Damaged wood in your home. Whether it’s a window frame, a bedroom door, or a baseboard, any type of otherwise unexplained wood damage in your home could be a sign of termites.
  • Termite parts. Seeing lots of small, white wings? This is evidence of a termite swarm, so it may be time to have a professional investigate the source.
  • Evidence of “mud tubes.” A small, brown vertical line at the base of your home’s exterior may not seem like a big deal, but this is a classic sign of a termite infestation.



How to Spot a Bed Bug Infestation

Despite only making the news in hospitals and nursing homes, bed bugs are surprisingly common, even in a residential setting. Here’s how to know if you’re dealing with a bedbug invasion.

  • Bite marks on your skin. If you’re noticing itchy bites that are otherwise unexplained, you may have bed bugs.
  • Reddish stains on your sheets. Disgusting as it is, this is an indication of bed bug excrement, which means they’ve taken up residence in your linens.
  • Brown or yellow flecks on your sheets. Similarly disgusting, these are bedbug eggs. One way to tell? They won’t go away when you shake the sheets vigorously.

You should also schedule a consultation with a professional exterminator if the pest infestation is recurring. Many DIY salutations may be temporarily effective, but a professional can help put an end to the problem once and for all. Contact +254737898884, +254759292158, +254789231328, +254742448334, or drop an email to  to schedule emergency pest control services.



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