Sofas or upholstered couches are a part of almost every home around the world; they are used daily and yet, not a lot of attention goes into cleaning and maintaining them. This is, of course, until the inevitable happens – you end up with a stain that you need to get out!



It seems like almost anything you bring around your couch can cause a stain! From food and beverages to pets and cosmetics; accidents can happen, resulting in stains on your couch. For this reason, you should seek sofa cleaning services. Experts have extensive knowledge and skills they can use to leave your couch looking pristine.


In this article, we look at the different types of sofa stains and how they can be removed.



Dust and Dirt

To keep your sofas free from dust, vacuum them regularly. Check the corners to ensure that all the particles of dirt have been removed.  If dirt is not removed often, it is pushed further into the fabric which eventually makes the sofa look dilapidated.



Vomit Stains

Children’s vomit on sofas is common especially in homes with small kids. To clean the vomit stain, start by scrapping it off gently. Use a wet cloth and spread baking soda and lemon juice on the area. Baking soda prevents the sofa from smelling. Then rinse the patch using a wet cloth.



Pet Hair

Pet hair clings very tightly to fabric-covered sofas. To remove it, spray water and fabric softener on the sofa and wipe it. Alternatively, wear wet rubber gloves and run your hand over the surface. Rinse them often until all the fur has been collected. A wet sponge can also be used.


Pet hair on sofa

Pet hair on the sofa



Ink Stains

Ink is also another stubborn stain that can discolor your sofa. Begin by wiping the ink but ensure not to spread it. Then, pour alcohol on the stain. Leave it for close to half an hour. Use absorbent material to dab on the spot until it becomes faded. You can then use carpet spray on that patch.



Blood Stains

Coldwater is the best for removing blood stains from your sofa. Use soaked absorbent clothing on the spot and dab gently. If the cushion has a cover, wash it under running water.



Nail Polish Stains

Add 3-4 drops of acetone or nail polish remover to a cap of water, dip the end of a towel into the solution, and blot the stain. As the colour gets lifted, use another end or folded area of the towel. Avoid rubbing as this may spread the stain.



Pet Pee Stains

While the stained area is still damp, mix equal parts of water and white vinegar in a basin; you can add a few drops of essential oil for fragrance. Soak and wring a clean towel in the solution, and wipe over the pet pee stain. Light scrubbing is advised to work the cleaner into the fabric.



Wine Stains

White vinegar and baking soda is a versatile cleaning hack and is particularly good for tackling tough stains on delicate fabrics.

To remove red wine stains from your sofa, pour baking soda over the stain and coat with vinegar.

Wait a few minutes for it to soak in (it will bubble up quite a lot – this means it’s working), then rinse with a damp cloth. Repeat steps until the red wine is removed.



Wine spill on a sofa – Shutterstock.



Common Foods/Beverages Stain

Make a soapy solution of water and liquid dish soap; the strength of the cleaning solution will depend on the severity of the stain.

Dip a sponge in the solution and squeeze out excess water; scrub the stain away gently or using minimal pressure for a safe and effective clean.



To reduce the damage caused by these stains on the couch, ensure to remove them immediately. Leaving them for too long can make it difficult to retain the original condition of the sofa even after cleaning. That is why you should contact us on 0759292158, 0103055943, 0742448334, 0756432285, or drop an email to  to come to your rescue immediately.