Fendona 60 SC is a fast-acting pyrethroid insecticide that quickly and effectively eliminates disease-causing insects. Fendona works fast and lasts long. Its active ingredient works both on contact and through ingestion to eliminate insects in minutes. Fendona 60 SC is recommended by the World Health Organization for malaria control and is also used in our Interceptor long-lasting insecticidal mosquito nets.



Benefits Of Fendona 60 SC Insecticide

Advantages of using the product Fendona 60 SC

  • Proven high performance, low dose formulation
  • Excellent broad-spectrum insect control
  • Rapid knockdown and reliable residual action
  • Easy, acceptable, and safe in use
  • Quick and effective
  • Long-lasting, residual control
  • Strong safety profile
  • Approved for food processing areas
  • Recommended by the WHO for malaria control



Fendona 60 SC is used worldwide as a standard insecticide to control almost all flying and crawling insects. It is a core tool in the professional pest control toolbox for its rapid and reliable action, broad activity, and high public safety and acceptability.

Fendona 60 SC is active against a wide range of insect pests by both contact and ingestion for the most effective control at low dose rates. It stands out from other synthetic pyrethroid sprays for the efficacy and stability of its advanced micro-crystalline particle formulation. It is quick and easy to apply with an environmental profile that makes it especially suitable for insect control in sensitive locations.





Proven High Performance, Low Dose Formulation

Widely regarded as one of the most valuable public health tools in the global fight against malaria and other insect-borne diseases. Fendona is a unique alpha-cypermethrin formulation of proven value in professional pest control.

It contains 60 g/L of the synthetic pyrethroid insecticide active against a wide range of problems and nuisance insect pests in a specialist suspension concentrate formulation.

Micro-crystalline particles combine with a carefully researched balance of suspension and dispersion agents to ensure the greatest immediate and extended activity, even against less-readily controllable species like bed bugs. The advanced alpha-cypermethrin formulation further ensures dependable results at exceptionally low doses for maximum application convenience and minimum total treatment cost.



Rapid Knockdown and Reliable Residual Action

Fendona has earned its preeminent insect control reputation for combining the speed of action with reliable residuality.

Its micro-particles cling to the feet and antennae, sensitizing insects within the first few minutes of contact.

This causes irritation and grooming in an attempt to remove the insecticide, increasing exposure through both contact and ingestion.

Excellent bio-absorption of the fat-soluble active substance to knockdown in as little as 30 minutes and death within 24 hours.

The special suspension concentrate formulation gives even surface coverage and excellent adherence to porous and other difficult surfaces like mortar, brick, and cement without significant active ingredient absorption. This can provide three months of residual action in most environments.



Spraying Fendona insecticide – Shutterstock.



Excellent Broad Spectrum Insect Control

Fendona 60 SC is recommended throughout the world for controlling just about every type of flying or crawling insect in domestic, commercial, and public health applications. In particular, it gives highly effective control of:

  • Ants
  • Bed bugs
  • Beetles
  • Cockroaches
  • Flies
  • Fleas
  • Mosquitoes
  • Moths
  • Silverfish
  • Termites
  • Wasps
  • Other disease-causing insects


It is equally suited to use in domestic housing, commercial premises including food processing plants, and public buildings like hospitals, hotels, and restaurants.

fendona 60 sc

Fendona 60 SC insecticide for public health.



Easy, Acceptable, and Safe in Use
  • Fendona is easy to dilute and apply through any type of spray equipment and can be used with confidence in combination or rotation with other insecticide classes to combat resistance development
  • It is odorless and non-staining
  • Coupled with a notably low use rate and skin-irritation effects, this makes Fendona especially suitable for use in sensitive locations
  • Humans and pets should not be present when the product is being applied, and should only re-enter the area/room when the product has dried
  • When applied as directed on the label, Fendona 60 SC  presents minimal disruption to humans and pets
  • Good biodegradability adds to its superior overall environmental profile
  • Any residues can be removed from treated surfaces wherever necessary with warm water and normal household cleaners



How does it work?

The Fendona “knock-down” effect is achieved after 30 minutes.

It is formulated in the form of a concentrated suspension (SC), which provides uniform coverage of treated surfaces and good adhesion, even of very porous surfaces. This way the residual activity of the product lasts up to 3 months.

Fendona can be used to control insects in households, public health premises, industrial, and public buildings.


Fendona 60 SC “knock-down” effect is achieved after 30 minutes – Shutterstock.



Effective use for the greatest value
  • Fendona 6 SC is formulated containing 60 g/l of alpha-cypermethrin as a water-based suspension concentrate0
  • It is diluted with water at the rate of 5ml/liter for application through all standard knapsack or hand-held sprayers at low pressure (approximately 2 bar) using a medium nozzle
  • Each bottle of concentrate incorporates an integrated measuring chamber for easy and efficient dosing
  • Sprayers should be filled with the required amount of water and the measured dose of Fendona 60 SC added before being shaken thoroughly to ensure even mixing
  • Thorough shaking is also recommended after any prolonged breaks from work
  • Spraying should achieve uniform coverage of the target area without excessive wetting of liquid run-off
  • In normal use, 25 ml of Fendona 60 SC diluted to 5 liters water is sufficient to treat around 100 m2 of surface, each liter of product treating around 4000 m2
  • A double dose is recommended for heavy infestations and for soiled or highly absorbent and porous surfaces to ensure sufficient coverage for optimum activity





Using Fendona as an indoor residual spray

As part of official public health programs, Fendona is used for indoor residual spray treatments (IRS) and is applied to walls and other surface areas where mosquitoes land. Unlike many other insecticides, Fendona 60 SC  works on virtually any surface because its crystalline particles adhere to bare wood, glass, brick, concrete, and masonry. Fendona is water-based, so it has no significant odor, doesn’t stain, and has a low skin irritation factor, making it well suited for indoor residual spraying.



Fendona on mosquito nets

Long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLIN) can reduce malaria illness by 90 percent in areas of high transmission. Recommended by the World Health Organization for use in malaria control, Fendona 60 SC is also the key ingredient in BASF’s Interceptor bed nets.



Fendona 60 SC  for urban pest control

The control of mosquitoes and other disease-carrying vectors is a top public health priority, but Fendona is also used by pest management professionals around the globe to control a wide spectrum of other insects, including nuisance pests such as flies, cockroaches, bedbugs, and fleas.



You can find and buy Fendona 60 Sc at Imagine Care Shop or by contacting  0759292158, 0103055943, 0742448334, 0756432285, or drop an email to .